Friday, 5 October 2012

Friday's fun fact - Have we got newts for you!

At this time of year the leaves outside burst with colour. Beautiful shades of red, yellow and orange signal that autumn is well and truly here. I (Joanna, not Lucy who usually writes our blog) am currently enjoying this fantastically colourful view from my kitchen window - it certainly makes doing the washing up a little more enjoyable! 

The subject of leaves brings me onto this week's fun fact! Did you know that some species of newt, including the red-spotted newt featured in our Letter N Print, wrap each of the 250 eggs they can lay in a season individually in its own underwater leaf? Using their hind legs and feet, the females fully enclose each egg so that they are protected by the leaves.

The Woodland Trust has 25 leafy autumnal activity sheets for children all in one place to download. Turns out there are lots of activities little ones can do with leaves aside from just running through them, kicking and throwing them in the air - something I think us adults secretly still enjoy doing too! 

Happy Friday all! x

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